Get list of all subscriptions

An active subscription is required in order to store events relating to our customers. As described earlier, if you have a webhook_url configured, you will receive a notification each time one of the events associated with the subscription is received by the Lender API.


Below are a list of the events that Funding Options provide:

  • funding-cloud.initial-match - Your criteria was met, and we have a customer for you.
  • funding-cloud.quote-selected - The customer has indicated they would like to proceed with the quote you previously provided.
  • funding-cloud.offer-selected - The customer has indicated they would like to proceed with the offer you previously provided.
  • funding-cloud.document-uploaded - The customer has uploaded some documentation to Funding Options.

By default, you'll be subscribed to all events as part of your on-boarding, but you have the freedom to modify them as you see fit. You can get a list of all the available events using the /events endpoint.


Please remember, without an active subscription to an event, you'll not be able to query for any past events using the /lender_events endpoint. For that reason, it's recommended that you keep all events active and have your integration ignore those which you don't need if you intend on querying the Lender API for historic data.

Delivering notifications

If you have configured a webhook_url, the Lender API will only attempt to deliver the notification once. We do this because it's difficult to determine if the event was received, and processing had begun in the event of an error. For that reason, we offer the /lender_events endpoint to query historic notifications and their delivered status.


The connection will be held open for 10 seconds before disconnecting. If a 200 OK response has not been returned the lender_event will be marked as delivered=false. Where possible, please respond to the Lender API with a 200 OK as soon as possible before continuing any processing.

Similar to the /lenders/me/subscriptions endpoint, this will list your current subscriptions.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!